Welcome To My Blog:


"Documenting My Journey To More Peace"

"Documenting My Journey

To More Peace"

Mission Statement:

A blog and advocacy for professionals & entrepreneurs exploring AI’s role in income, creating financial flexibility to focus more on what they love while making an impact.

Let’s Discuss the Rise of AI & Income in 2025:

Could Humans Stop 'Working' As We Know It?

Curious about AI & income?

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Journal Entries

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Feb23'25 - Went 'Live' with sharing on FB & IG

Exciting times! I went 'Live' with starting to share my experiences on my Facebook and Instagram. Feel free to add me there to stay in touch better!

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Feb8'25 - I'm now seeing AI-assisted income help with my expenses.

AI-driven income is starting to contribute toward my personal expenses. I feel like I have one leg off the hamster wheel. Waking up with less chest pressure.

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Feb5'25 - I get started...

I get started trying it.

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Jan30'25 - I decide I'm going to share my journey...

I decide I'm going to share my journey and make a blog.

Jan28'25 - I'm dumbfounded...

I eat before checking out of the hotel to head back to the airport. I’m dumbfounded that AI-driven income strategies are already evolving and being tested. The chronic pressure in my chest is disappearing.

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Jan26'25 - Breakfast: I have no clue my life is about to change forever...

The calm before the storm: I eat breakfast before heading over to meet the company's founders and team. I have zero clue that my life is about to change forever. After I hear from the tech geniuses behind it, we all watch a soccer game together: I have a hard time paying attention to the Lyon vs. Nantes game since my mind is imagining all of the possibilities for humanity.

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Jan25'25 - I arrive in Cancun and spend 3.5 hours in customs!

I arrive in Cancun and spend 3.5 hours in customs!

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Jan10'25 - I book my flight to Cancun to meet the founders...

I fly out to Cancun to spend the weekend with the founders, tech developers, marketing team, and see a live demo of how it works.

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Jan9'25 - Buddy shows me a little more about how it all works...

Buddy shows me a little more about how it all works.

[Disclaimer: This screenshot reflects an individual's experience and does not represent typical or guaranteed results. AI-driven income strategies carry risks, and outcomes vary.]

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Jan8'25 - Buddy shows me how he's using AI-driven strategies to contribute to his earnings...

Buddy shares his experience with AI-assisted income over the past few months.

[Disclaimer: This screenshot reflects an individual's experience and does not represent typical or guaranteed results. AI-driven income strategies carry risks, and outcomes vary.]

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Want to Geek Out with Jonah For 15 Minutes About How AI Is Shaping the Future of Work & Income?

Are you using AI in your income strategy? I’d love to chat—let’s connect!

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~ February 1, 2025 ~

Jobs & AI

Maybe It's A Good Thing?

A lot of people are working way too hard right now! I see friends slaving away, burning out—directors, executives, business owners, professionals.


Everyone is trying to outrun a machine, and it just seems impossible.

I had a moment where I thought: instead of trying to work harder than AI, what if I could explore ways for AI to assist me in my income strategies?

Instead of figuring out how many certification programs I need or how to stay relevant, or even worrying about whether others in my industry get a hold of AI, I realized how ridiculous that mindset was.

Now, I’m starting to focus on what I want to do with the extra time AI is giving me. Remember when we were taught that working hard was the key to success?

We were told to grind it out, outwork everyone. That just sounds insane now. We invented machines for a reason. Machines make cars, clothes, and watches. They clean them too.

AI is now playing a growing role in my income strategy, which got me thinking: there’s a very possible future where AI takes on an even greater role in wealth management.

It will free us up to work on other things—spiritual growth, community development, mentoring children, passion projects, health and wellness. After years of running on a hamster wheel that keeps spinning faster, we now have AI next to us that can move 100 times faster.

So what’s next? Where do you think we’re heading?

Do you believe we’ll still be working this hard in the near future?

~ February 3, 2025 ~

I Was Exhausted;

My Body Was Neglected.

How crazy is this: We work for money so we can use the money to replenish what we’ve lost from working. And then once we get the paycheck, we feel guilty spending it on ourselves.

And then we work harder and longer so we can “get ahead”—and that just accelerates our body’s depreciation. … What is the purpose of life then?

Turns out the real problem was trying to out-work AI. Working more wasn’t the solution to a better life, rethinking my income strategy was.

Now that I’ve started transitioning to AI-assisted income, I finally have more time to stop destroying my body in exchange for a paycheck.

I’ve had this great desire to take a break already, but never could due to all the obligations that were piling up—all of these companies, people, clients, and bills to be responsible for.

And now, I’m looking forward to soon starting my body’s recovery from a place of less interrupted peace.

I think I’ll have more energy to look after the things that have been very important to me but that I just couldn’t allocate the time or energy to before.

What’s important to you?

What would you do?

~ February 7, 2025 ~

What About Kids?

Full-Time Parenting

I see so many of my friends who have kids but the kids are growing up missing their parents, just having YouTube parent them. It's not that we want our kids to grow up playing iPad games all day, its because it helps them stay busy while we work. But what if we eliminated the problem? What if AI-supported income gave us more flexibility to focus on parenting?

Right now, a lot of kids get more quality time with Roblox than with their parents. But what if we were there for the school pickups, the baseball games, the bedtime stories? Or what if we home-schooled them, while on a vacations around the world?

AI-driven income strategies may create new opportunities for family time. And the one thing our family wants from us: Is us.

~ February 10, 2025 ~

Full Throttle Purpose

Passion, Unrestrained.

Imagine a world where AI plays an important role in income generation, freeing us to focus on spiritual growth and contribution all day?

We could meditate, travel, journal, write books, start charities, and fully embrace our purpose—but work keeps getting in the way.

AI-driven income strategies may offer new ways to make 'someday' feel closer to 'today'. More living and experiencing.

Could AI help us remember what feeling truly alive feels like?

What if we focused more on self-actualization and global-contribution? ... Imagine the impact we could have if we had more hours per week.

And if you're already living in your purpose, wonderful! But many people still work for money, not for joy.

I thought "If I stopped working for pay, and I had my entire week given back to me, what could I accomplish over a lifetime?"

I didn't want to work for money, I wanted to create, contribute, and connect for a living.

What if all of us just had the time and vitality to do what we truly felt called to do, without having to send invoices? How many lives could we change if we weren’t stuck inside the hamster wheel, and we found ways to integrate AI into our income strategies?

~ February 12, 2025 ~

Where's My Friends?

Are They Feeling Trapped, Too?

I was unavailable during the day because I was working.

I was unavailable in the evenings because I was working.

I started taking off Saturdays around November 2023, but I continued to work Sundays.

If AI is assisting us in our income strategies—could that mean it creates more free time?

More free time might mean more spontaneous daytime adventures, sleeping in, evening dinners that start at 5pm, and the ability to have a more vibrant social life.

How can we, as a society, reach a place where every day feels more like a Saturday? And how do we achieve this together?

Could AI-driven income strategies play a role in addressing global challenges like food and shelter?

Since AI-driven income is starting to contribute toward my personal expenses, I wonder how technology could be leveraged to address bigger global challenges.

~ February 14, 2025 ~

What Love Life?

Imagine A New Way

I started a business so I could earn more than enough, and eventually have more time, so I could focus on a life of romance.

But if you’ve started a business, you’ve probably felt like me: It’s like having a child—it constantly needs attention.

Promoting, creating, following up, sales calls, checking on clients, fixing things, adding more, doing accounting, looking after legal… it just never ends.

We always have to evolve, stay on top of trends, and stay ahead of the competition. It’s exhausting.

I wanted to unsubscribe from my own business.

It’s hard to nurture a flame when our main love affair is with our computer screen. When our hands spend more time on a keyboard than on our partner.

AI-assisted income strategies helped me create more space to focus on my love life.

How could AI-assisted income impact your time for relationships?

Jonah has personally worked with, spoken at, or been featured on over 200 media appearances, features, brands, and stages, including:

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Copyright © 2023 ~ Radiance Collective SEZC

90 N Church St, #133, George Town, KY1-1902


A Blog Exploring AI’s Evolving

Role in Income Generation

Copyright © 2025  |  All Rights Reserved.


No Professional Advice:

The content provided on this website is for informational, inspirational, and educational purposes only. All discussions, articles, posts, and resources related to AI-generated income strategies reflect personal experiences, opinions, and general thoughts on AI’s evolving role in income generation. This website does not provide financial advice, financial services, investment recommendations, or professional consulting.

No Guarantees:

While AI technologies may be used as tools in various income-related strategies, there are no guarantees of financial success, automatic income, specific returns, or consistent results. Any examples or references to income generation, including personal experiences shared, are illustrative only and should not be interpreted as promises or assurances of future performance.

Do Your Own Research:

Visitors are encouraged to conduct their own research, consult with qualified professionals, and carefully consider their own financial circumstances before making decisions. This website does not endorse or promote specific AI tools or platforms as guaranteed solutions for income generation.

No Financial Relationship Disclosure:

The website owner may mention personal experiences with various AI tools and platforms. While the owner does not receive direct financial compensation for general promotion, there may be cases where benefits are received for referrals. These benefits, if applicable, are disclosed to individuals before they engage with the referred AI tools or services.

No Professional Relationship Established:

Engaging with the content of this website does not establish any client-professional relationship. The information provided here should not be considered a substitute for professional advice tailored to your specific situation.

By using/viewing/interacting with this website, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to the terms outlined in this disclaimer and also the general terms and conditions and privacy policy of this website.


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